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38 results found
Airway and breathing support

If airway patency is at risk due to inhalation injury or worsening upper airway oedema or facial/neck swelling, discuss endotracheal intubation with the ARV consultants prior to retrieval.
Early management of severe burns

The early management of the severely burnt patient is prioritised according to the needs identified in the primary and secondary surveys.
Severe electrical burns

Severe electrical burns
Severe chemical burns

Chemicals continue to destroy tissue as long as they are in contact with the skin.
Circumferential Burn

Circumferential deep full-thickness burns of an extremity or around the chest or abdomen should be carefully monitored.
Secondary Survey

Following the Primary Survey, and assuming all life-threatening problems have been stabilised, the next step is the Secondary Survey which involves a detailed history, and performing a focused...
Primary Survey

The Primary Survey is the critical first step in the “initial assessment” of a seriously injured patient. It provides a quick and efficient way to identify if the patient has a...
Minor burn wound managment

Please note that the following webpage and chart include severe burn images that may cause distress.
When to refer and FAQs

After preparing the burn wound bed, it can then be accurately assessed in terms of depth and surface area.
Preparing and cleaning the burn wound

Loose skin -including blisters, slough, environmental contamination and/or necrotic tissue can often be present following burn injury.